Document revision date: 19 July 1999
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15.13.2 Installing in SYPAGSWPFILES.COM

Page and swap files other than SYS$SYSTEM:PAGEFILE.SYS and SYS$SYSTEM:SWAPFILE.SYS must be reinstalled each time the system boots. You can do this by adding the commands to install the files to the startup command procedure SYS$MANAGER:SYPAGSWPFILES.COM. The template file SYS$MANAGER:SYPAGSWPFILES.TEMPLATE includes comments that help explain how this file is used.

Before performing this task, you must have created the secondary files, as explained in Section 15.15.

For more information about SYPAGSWPFILES.COM, see Section 5.2.3.

You can also use SATELLITE_PAGE.COM to install page and swap files on a VAXcluster or OpenVMS Cluster satellite node's local disk. SATELLITE_PAGE.COM is created when you run CLUSTER_CONFIG.COM. For more information about installing page and swap files on a satellite node's local disk, refer to the OpenVMS Cluster Systems manual.

How to Perform This Task

  1. Invoke any editor to edit SYS$MANAGER:SYPAGSWPFILES.COM.
  2. If necessary, add a MOUNT command for each disk that holds a page or swap file. This is necessary because only the system disk is mounted at the time SYPAGSWPFILES.COM is invoked.
    For example:


    For information about the MOUNT command, refer to the OpenVMS DCL Dictionary.
    The following commands, inserted before the MOUNT command, are also useful to determine if the disk is available before mounting. Note, however, that if the disk is broken and cannot mount, these commands will cause an infinite loop.

    $ LOOP1: 
    $  WAIT 0000 00:00:00.50 
    $  READY = F$GETDVI("device:","AVL") 

    where device: specifies the device name.

  3. Add the following command to invoke SYSGEN:


  4. Add commands in the following format to SYPAGSWPFILES.COM to install the files each time the system boots.
    For page files, use the following format:

    INSTALL file-spec/PAGEFILE 

    For example:


    For swap files, use the following format:

    INSTALL file-spec/SWAPFILE 

    For example:


  5. Add an EXIT command to exit SYSGEN:



The following example shows commands you might add to SYPAGSWPFILES.COM to install page and swap files named PAGEFILE_1.SYS and SWAPFILE_1.SYS located on the DUA2: device:

  [add the following commands to SYPAGSWPFILES.COM:] 

15.14 Removing Page, Swap, and Dump Files


If you remove a system page, swap, or dump file, do not simply delete the file. The disk might become corrupted if you continue to use the system after you delete the files.

How to Perform This Task

  1. Use the RENAME command to rename the file to be deleted.
  2. Shut down and reboot the system.
  3. Delete the file.
  4. When you delete a file, make sure you remove from SYPAGESWPFILES.COM and MODPARAMS.DAT any command lines related to the file.


[SHUTDOWN.COM shuts down and reboots the system] 
[When the system reboots, log in] 

15.15 Creating and Modifying Page, Swap, and Dump Files

For performance or disk space reasons, you might want to create system page, swap, and dump files on disks other than the system disk. (Error log dump files, however, must remain on the system disk.)

The following sections explain how to perform this task:
Method For More Information
Using AUTOGEN (recommended method) Section 15.15.1
Using SWAPFILES.COM (for primary files only) Section 15.15.2
Using SYSGEN Section 15.15.3

15.15.1 Using AUTOGEN (Recommended Method)

You can direct AUTOGEN to create new system page, swap, and dump files by adding symbols to MODPARAMS.DAT to specify the name, location, and size of new files to be created and then running AUTOGEN. Before performing this task, you should understand AUTOGEN and its parameter file MODPARAMS.DAT. For more information about when to use AUTOGEN, see Section 14.4. See Section 14.4.4 for information about MODPARAMS.DAT.

AUTOGEN automatically calculates appropriate sizes for system page, swap, and dump files. It also modifies the files to the appropriate sizes and installs them. You can control sizes calculated by AUTOGEN by defining symbols in the file MODPARAMS.DAT. For more information, see Section

How to Perform This Task

To change the sizes of system page, swap, and dump files, execute AUTOGEN in two passes as follows:

  1. Enter the following command to invoke a first pass of AUTOGEN. AUTOGEN displays its calculations for system file sizes to SYS$OUTPUT:


  2. If the file sizes displayed in step 1 are inadequate, add symbols to MODPARAMS.DAT to control the size of files as explained in Section and return to step 1.
  3. When you are satisfied with the file sizes displayed in step 1, execute a second pass of AUTOGEN using the following command to install the modified system files when the system is rebooted:


  4. Add commands to the site-specific startup command procedure SYPAGSWPFILES.COM to make sure the files are installed each time the system boots. For instructions, see Section 15.13. Controlling the Location of System Page, Swap, and Dump Files

Add the following symbols to MODPARAMS.DAT to specify the names and locations of the page and swap files to be created:
Definition For Page Files For Swap Files For Dump Files
File name and location PAGEFILE n_NAME = file-spec SWAPFILE n_NAME = file-spec DUMPFILE_DEVICE= device

where: Controlling the Size of System Page, Swap, and Dump Files in MODPARAMS.DAT

You can add information to the AUTOGEN parameter file MODPARAMS.DAT to control the sizes that AUTOGEN calculates for system page, swap, and dump files. If you do not supply system file size information in MODPARAMS.DAT, AUTOGEN performs default size calculations for page, swap, and dump files.

You can define symbols in MODPARAMS.DAT to specify either of the following items:
Size to Be Specified For More Information
Total desired size for all page or swap files on a system (not valid for the system dump files) Table 15-4
Sizes for individual page, swap, or dump files Table 15-5


You cannot specify sizes for both total and individual files. AUTOGEN issues a warning if conflicting symbol definitions exist in MODPARAMS.DAT.

For page and swap files, AUTOGEN generally manipulates the primary files SYS$SYSTEM:PAGEFILE.SYS and SYS$SYSTEM:SWAPFILE.SYS only if you have no other page and swap files. If you have secondary files, AUTOGEN manipulates the secondary files and excludes primary files. However, in some instances, AUTOGEN might modify the size of the primary page and swap files.

On VAX systems, for system dump files, AUTOGEN manipulates the size of only one file: the system dump file on the system disk if no DUMPFILE_DEVICE is given or the system dump file on the specified device if a DUMPFILE_DEVICE is given.

On VAX systems, AUTOGEN always creates a minimal SYSDUMP.DMP file for error log buffers.

On Alpha systems, AUTOGEN only manipulates the size of the error log dump file on the system disk.

If you do not want AUTOGEN to change the sizes of the primary files, specify the following symbols in MODPARAMS.DAT:

ERRLOGDUMP = 0 ! Alpha only 

These symbols direct AUTOGEN to ignore the primary page, swap, and dump files when calculating sizes.

If the creation or extension of a system page, swap, or dump file would cause the target disk to become more than 95 percent full, AUTOGEN issues a warning and does not perform the operation.

On Alpha systems, however, the 95 percent rule does not apply to the error log dump file, SYS$ERRLOG.DMP. This file is created if the disk can hold it.

You can use AUTOGEN to create a page, swap, or dump file that is smaller than the current version of the file. After you have booted and begun using the new file, remember to use the DCL command PURGE to reclaim the disk space from the old version of the file.

To determine the current sizes of installed page and swap files, enter the DCL command SHOW MEMORY/FILES. If you increased the size of any of these files and have not rebooted, this command displays the original sizes. Use the DIRECTORY command to determine the size of dump files.


AUTOGEN does not change file sizes if you specify a value of 0 or a value that is within 10 percent of the current size.

Table 15-4 lists the symbols you can define in MODPARAMS.DAT to control the total size of page file, swap file, system dump file, or error log dump file space space.

Table 15-4 Symbols for Controlling the Total Size of Page, Swap, System Dump, or Error Log Dump File Space
Operation Page File Symbol Swap File Symbol Dump File Symbol Error Log File
To define the total amount of space PAGEFILE = n 1 SWAPFILE = n 1 DUMPFILE = n 1 ERRLOGDUMP = n 1
To increase total size ADD_PAGEFILE
= n
= n
= n
= n
To specify maximum total size MAX_PAGEFILE
= n
= n
= n
= n
To specify minimum total size MIN_PAGEFILE
= n
= n
= n
= n

1n is the total size, in blocks. If n is 0, the corresponding AUTOGEN section is skipped. For page and swap files, if n is not 0 and no secondary files exist, AUTOGEN applies the value to primary files. If n is not 0, and secondary files exist, AUTOGEN applies any change evenly across all secondary page or swap files but, in most cases, does not change primary files. For dump files, if n is not 0, AUTOGEN applies the value to the dump file on the system disk if no DUMPFILE_DEVICE is given or the dump file on the specified device if a DUMPFILE_DEVICE is given.

Table 15-5 lists the symbols you can define in MODPARAMS.DAT to control the size of individual files.

Table 15-5 Symbols for Controlling the Size of Individual Page and Swap Files
Operation Page File Symbol1 Swap File Symbol1
To specify file size PAGEFILE n_SIZE = block-size SWAPFILE n_SIZE = block-size
To increase file size ADD_PAGEFILE n_SIZE = block-size ADD_SWAPFILE n_SIZE = block-size
To specify maximum file size MAX_PAGEFILE n_SIZE = block-size MAX_SWAPFILE n_SIZE = block-size
To specify minimum file size MIN_PAGEFILE n_SIZE = block-size MIN_SWAPFILE n_SIZE = block-size

1For n, specify an integer that indicates the page or swap file. Refer to the primary page and swap files by specifying a value of 1 for n; refer to subsequent files by specifying increasingly higher integer values for n. For example, to refer to a secondary page or swap file, specify a value of 2 for n. For block-size, specify the size in blocks.


  1. The following line in MODPARAMS.DAT specifies that all page file space should total 100,000 blocks:

    PAGEFILE = 100000 

    If you had only a primary page file, the resulting size of that file would be 100,000 blocks. If you had multiple page files, the difference between the total current size and the total new size would be spread across secondary files. For example, if you specified PAGEFILE = 100000, the changed page file sizes would be as follows:
    File Original Size (in Blocks) Resulting Size (in Blocks)
    Primary page file 10,000 10,000
    Secondary page file 1 30,000 45,000
    Secondary page file 2 30,000 45,000

  2. To direct AUTOGEN to set the primary page file size to 10,000 blocks, use the symbol definition:

    PAGEFILE1_SIZE = 10000 

  3. To direct AUTOGEN to create a new secondary swap file named PAGED$:[PAGESWAP]SWAPFILE.SYS that holds 30,000 blocks, use the symbol definitions:

    MIN_SWAPFILE2_SIZE = 30000 

15.15.2 Using SWAPFILES.COM

Compaq recommends that you use AUTOGEN to change sizes of system page, swap, and dump files. However, you can use the command procedure SYS$UPDATE:SWAPFILES.COM to change the size of primary system page, swap, and dump files. SWAPFILES.COM shows you the current size of the system page, swap, and dump files before you change the sizes.

If you change the sizes of system page, swap, or dump files, you must edit MODPARAMS.DAT to specify the new sizes, as explained in Section If you do not specify the new sizes in MODPARAMS.DAT, AUTOGEN resizes the files next time it runs.

The procedure displays the sizes of the current system page, swap, and dump files in SYS$SYSTEM, and the amount of space remaining on the system disk. It then allows you to enter new sizes, or keep the existing sizes for these files. If you specify a size that is larger than that of an existing file, the procedure automatically extends the size of a page or dump file. If you specify a smaller size for a system page, swap, or dump file, a new version of the file is created.

How to Perform This Task

  1. Enter the following command to invoke the command procedure:


    The system displays the current files found in SYS$SYSTEM and their sizes. For example:

    Current file sizes are: 
    Directory SYS$SYSROOT:[SYSEXE] 
    PAGEFILE.SYS;1    16384 
    SYSDUMP.DMP;1      4128 
    SWAPFILE.SYS;1     3072 
    Total of 3 files, 23584 blocks. 
    There are 128741 available blocks on SYS$SYSDEVICE. 

  2. In response to the following prompt, type the desired size, in blocks, for the page file. To keep the same size, press Return:

    Enter new size for page file: 

  3. In response to the following prompt, type the desired size, in blocks, for the dump file. To keep the same size, press Return:

    Enter new size for system dump file: 

  4. In response to the following prompt, type the desired size, in blocks, for the swap file. To keep the same size, press Return:

    Enter new size for swap file: 

  5. Shut down and reboot the system to use the new files.
  6. After the system reboots, purge obsolete copies of the files. Do not delete the old files until the system reboots.
  7. Edit MODPARAMS.DAT to include the new file sizes, as explained in Section If you do not specify the new sizes in MODPARAMS.DAT, AUTOGEN will automatically resize the files the next time it runs.


To leave a file size at its current value type a 
carriage return in response to its size prompt. 
Current file sizes are: 
PAGEFILE.SYS;1    100000 
SYSDUMP.DMP;1      28000 
SWAPFILE.SYS;1     33000 
Total of 3 files, 161000 blocks. 
There are 128741 available blocks on SYS$SYSDEVICE. 
Enter new size for page file: [Return]
Enter new size for system dump file: 30000
Enter new size for swap file: [Return]
*  Please reboot in order for the new files to be used by the system. * 
*  After rebooting, purge obsolete copies of the files.               * 
*  DO NOT delete the old files until after the reboot.                * 

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