Document revision date: 19 July 1999
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OpenVMS System Manager's Manual

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To make a report fit the physical limits of the screen, you can change the width of certain fields in the report. For example, if SHOW CLUSTER provides a field width that can contain any possible value and the values your cluster generates do not require that much space, you can adjust the field width with the SET (Field) command.

SHOW CLUSTER also allows you to adjust the size of the terminal screen. If the terminal is Compaq-compatible and supports a wide report, you can set the screen to a width of up to 511 columns by specifying an appropriate value to the SET SCREEN command.



    The command in this example sets the width of the TRANSITION_TYPE field to 10, which removes the time of day from the field but leaves the date.

  2. Command> SET SCREEN=132

    The command in this example sets the screen width to 132.

Refer to the OpenVMS System Management Utilities Reference Manual for more details about using the SET (Field) and SET SCREEN commands. Moving a Report

By default, SHOW CLUSTER operates with AUTO_POSITIONING ON. This means that the utility automatically arranges the reports to take best advantage of the available display space. However, you can position reports manually with the MOVE command, which implicitly sets AUTO_POSITIONING to OFF.

If you have multiple reports in your display, you must first select the report to be repositioned. You use the SELECT window-name command to specify the report name; for example:


To select any report except the default SCS report, you must first add the class to the display if it is not already displayed; for example:


As an alternative, you can repeatedly press the Select function key or the period key on the keypad to cycle from one report to the next. The selected report appears highlighted.

How to Perform This Task

To move a report, perform either of the following actions:


Command> MOVE RIGHT 10

The following lists explains the commands in the example:

  1. The SELECT command selects the CLUSTER report (which is then highlighted).
  2. The MOVE command positions the report frame 10 spaces to the right.
  3. The DESELECT command terminates the MOVE operation and displays the contents of the report.

For more information, refer to the SELECT, SET FUNCTION, and DESELECT commands in the OpenVMS System Management Utilities Reference Manual.

To reset the arrow keys, enter the following command:

Command> SET FUNCTION EDIT Scrolling a Report

The SCROLL command provides a means of quickly scanning through a report without losing column headings. Scrolling scans a display by field (horizontally) and by line (vertically). The report headings remain stationary when you scroll vertically.

When the display has more than one report, you must first select a report by entering the SELECT command. The selected report is highlighted.

How to Perform This Task

To scroll a display, perform either of the following actions:



The commands in this example first select the SCS report (which is then highlighted), and then set the arrow keys to scroll functions. Refer to the SET FUNCTION and SCROLL commands in the OpenVMS System Management Utilities Reference Manual for more information.

To reset the arrow keys, enter the following command:


20.3.6 Creating a Startup Initialization File

To customize the SHOW CLUSTER display, you can create a startup initialization file, which the utility executes when you enter it. SHOW CLUSTER takes the original default display, and adds or removes whatever classes or fields you specify. The resulting display becomes your default startup format. A startup initialization file resembles the following example:

!Startup Initialization File 

This startup procedure deletes the MEMBERS class information from the default display. The procedure also adds the RP_REVISION and RP_TYPE fields from the CIRCUITS class and the SYS_ID field from the SYSTEMS class. The last line of the procedure sets the screen size to 132 columns.

How to Perform This Task

To create an initialization file, follow these steps:

  1. Define the logical name SHOW_CLUSTER$INIT as device:[directory]SHCINI before invoking SHOW CLUSTER.
    For a startup file to execute before the display begins, you must assign the logical name SHOW_CLUSTER$INIT to the initialization file; for example:


    When invoked, SHOW CLUSTER searches for the file defined by SHOW_CLUSTER$INIT. In this example, SHOW CLUSTER looks for DEVA:[JONES]SHCINI.INI when it starts up. If the initialization file is found, SHOW CLUSTER executes the procedure before beginning the display.
    If you do not define SHOW_CLUSTER$INIT or it does not include a directory specification, SHOW CLUSTER searches the current default directory for a file named SHOW_CLUSTER.INI.

  2. Customize the display using SHOW CLUSTER commands during a continuous SHOW CLUSTER session.
  3. Preserve the command sequence by entering the following command:


    You must specify SHOW_CLUSTER$INIT.INI, because the SAVE command creates a file with a file type of .COM by default. SHOW CLUSTER looks for an .INI file when it searches for a startup initialization file.

You can edit the file that the SAVE command creates to include comments or to improve its efficiency. For more information, refer to the SAVE command in the OpenVMS System Management Utilities Reference Manual.

Instead of having SHOW CLUSTER build an initialization file, you can build one yourself in the same way you build a command procedure. The next section provides guidelines for creating a command procedure.

20.3.7 Using Command Procedures Containing SHOW CLUSTER Commands

You can create command procedures that contain SHOW CLUSTER commands. Such files let you modify display characteristics without having to enter commands interactively. You can use command procedures during a continuous SHOW CLUSTER session to perform a series of commands, for example, to customize the output of the display.

The following list contains guidelines for writing command procedures that contain SHOW CLUSTER commands:


Do not include an EXIT command at the end of the command procedure. The EXIT command terminates SHOW CLUSTER and erases the SHOW CLUSTER display before you can see it.

Also, do not run SHOW CLUSTER command procedures from a batch job.

The following command procedure customizes a report display:

! Include only the node field from the default display; show votes 
! and quorum for each node and for the cluster as a whole. 

This command procedure removes the SOFTWARE and STATUS fields from the report and adds fields that provide information about the cluster quorum and votes.

To execute a command procedure during a continuous SHOW CLUSTER session, specify the execute procedure (@) command, along with the file name of the command procedure. The default file type for command procedure files is .COM.


The following command executes a command procedure named SYSMOD.COM:

Command> @SYSMOD

In this example, the default file type .COM is assumed because the file type is omitted.

For more information about creating command procedures, refer to the SAVE command in the OpenVMS System Management Utilities Reference Manual.

20.4 Understanding SYSMAN and OpenVMS Cluster Management

The System Management utility (SYSMAN) provides two kinds of support for OpenVMS Cluster management:

Each SYSMAN command requires a specific level of privilege. For more information about each command, refer to the OpenVMS System Management Utilities Reference Manual.

20.5 Using SYSMAN to Manage Security and System Time

You can manage security data and system time for an OpenVMS Cluster system with SYSMAN CONFIGURATION commands. Table 20-4 summarizes these CONFIGURATION commands and their functions.

Command Function
CONFIGURATION SET CLUSTER_AUTHORIZATION Modifies the group number and password in a local area cluster
CONFIGURATION SHOW CLUSTER_AUTHORIZATION Displays the group number and multicast address of a local area cluster
CONFIGURATION SET TIME Updates system time
CONFIGURATION SHOW TIME Displays current system time

20.5.1 Modifying the Group Number and Password

The group number identifies the group of nodes in the cluster, and the associated Ethernet address is used to send messages to all nodes in the cluster. The OpenVMS Cluster password protects the integrity of the cluster membership.

Using the CONFIGURATION SET CLUSTER_AUTHORIZATION command modifies the group number and password, as recorded in SYS$SYSTEM:CLUSTER_AUTHORIZE.DAT. Normally, you do not need to alter records in the CLUSTER_AUTHORIZE.DAT file.

If your configuration has multiple system disks, SYSMAN automatically updates each copy of CLUSTER_AUTHORIZE.DAT, provided that you have defined the environment as a cluster with the SET ENVIRONMENT/CLUSTER command.


If you change either the group number or password, you must reboot the entire cluster.

You cannot display the cluster password for security reasons, but you can display the group number and group multicast address with the CONFIGURATION SHOW CLUSTER_AUTHORIZATION command.


  1. The following command example sets the environment to a specific cluster, sets privilege to SYSPRV, and modifies the cluster password:

    %SYSMAN-I-CAFOLDGROUP, existing group will not be changed
    %SYSMAN-I-GRPNOCHG, Group number not changed
    SYSMAN-I-CAFREBOOT, cluster authorization file updated.
    The entire cluster should be rebooted.

  2. The following command example displays the group number and multicast address for NODE21. Because the group number and password on other nodes in the cluster are identical, no further information is displayed.

    Node NODE21: Cluster group number 65240 
    Multicast address: AB-00-04-01-F2-FF 

20.5.2 Modifying the System Time

Use the CONFIGURATION SET TIME command to modify system time for nodes in an OpenVMS Cluster system, as well as for individual nodes. You can specify time values in the following format:

[dd-mmm-yyyy[:]] [] 

You can also enter delta time values. Refer to the OpenVMS User's Manual for more information about time formats.

In a cluster environment, SYSMAN sets the time on each node to the value you specify. However, if you do not specify a value, SYSMAN reads the clock on the node from which you are executing SYSMAN and assigns this value to all nodes in the cluster. In a remote cluster, SYSMAN reads the clock on the target node in the cluster and assigns that value to all nodes. Note that the time-of-year clock is optional for some processors; refer to your processor's hardware handbook for more information.

SYSMAN tries to ensure that all processors in the cluster are set to the same time. Because of communication and processing delays, it is not possible to synchronize clocks exactly. However, the variation is typically less than a few hundredths of a second. If SYSMAN cannot set the time to within one-half second of the specified time, you receive a warning message that names the node that failed to respond quickly enough.

As a result of slight inaccuracies in each processor clock, times on various members of a cluster tend to drift apart. The first two examples show how to synchronize system time in a cluster.


  1. The following procedure sets the time on all cluster nodes to the value obtained from the local time-of-year clock, waits 6 hours, then resets the time for the cluster:

    $ WAIT 6:00:00 

  2. The next example sets the environment to NODE21, NODE22, and NODE23, sets privilege, and modifies the system time on all three nodes:


  3. The following example sets the environment to cluster and displays the system time for all nodes:

    System time on node NODE21: 19-APR-1998 13:32:19.45          
    System time on node NODE22: 19-APR-1998 13:32:27.79
    System time on node NODE23: 19-APR-1998 13:32:58.66 Resetting System Time After January 1

The Time of Day Register (TODR), which the system uses to maintain system time, has a limit of approximately 15 months. Between January 1 and April 1, reset the system time; otherwise, the following problems might occur:

Because the TODR has an approximate limit of 15 months, the system maintains time by combining the TODR value with a base time recorded in the base system image (SYS$LOADABLE_IMAGES:SYS.EXE). The definition of base time is:

01-JAN-CURRENT_YEAR 00:00:00.00 

Because all TODRs ordinarily have the same base, multiple CPUs can boot off the same system disk, and you can use multiple system disks on one CPU; the system sets the time correctly.

When a SET TIME command is issued (with or without specifying a time), OpenVMS performs the following actions:

  1. Writes the current time to the system image file
  2. Resets the TODR as an offset within the current year

In an OpenVMS Cluster system (or for a node that is not part of the cluster), when you set the time, the TODR and the base time in the system image are reset with the values for the new year. However, multiple systems might share the system image. This does not normally cause a problem except after the first day of a new year.


The system issues the SET TIME command when it boots and as a part of the normal SHUTDOWN command procedure.

By December, each node has a very large offset stored in the TODR (from the base time of 1-JAN of that year). When the time advances to a new year, the system image still has the old year and the TODR values are still large.

After January 1, if a SET TIME command is issued on any node (or any node is shut down using SHUTDOWN.COM), the following events occur:

  1. The new year becomes the base year.
  2. The system resets the TODR on that node.
  3. The other nodes still have a large value in the TODR.

After these three events occur, if a node that has a large TODR crashes and rejoins the cluster, its system time is initially in the next year (applying the large TODR to the new year). This system time is recorded as the system's boot time. When the node joins the cluster, its time is set to the correct value but the boot time remains one year in the future. Certain forms of the SHOW SYSTEM command compare current time to boot time; in this instance, SHOW SYSTEM displays incorrect values.

If a system disk is used at different times by different, unclustered CPUs or if different system disks are used at different times on the same CPU, the system might incorrectly set the time to a year in the future or a year in the past, depending on how the CPU's TODR and the value recorded on the system disk become unsynchronized:


The following example uses SYSMAN commands to reset the time on all nodes in an OpenVMS Cluster system:



In a node that is not part of a cluster, use the SET TIME command and specify a time. If you do not specify a time, the SET TIME command updates the system time using the time in the TODR.

If you are running the DIGITAL Distributed Time Service (DECdts) on your system, you must use it to set the time.

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